Kermit Says: New Year, Do You!

2014 has been a wonderful year! I traveled to many domestic and international locations, made new friends and reconnected with old ones, made tough life decisions for the sake of my present and future happiness, and discovered my dream and began making serious steps toward turning it into a reality! Needless to say, this year… Continue reading Kermit Says: New Year, Do You!

Kermit Says: Give Peace, Love, and Joy

Unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you've stumbled upon radio stations playing 24-hours of Christmas tunes (NSYNCs Christmas album, anyone?), seen a myriad of commercials informing your Christmas wish lists (gotta love those Apple and Coca-Cola commercials), and wasted countless hours watching Christmas-themed films (It's a Wonderful Life and Elf are among my favorites)! It's so easy to get brain… Continue reading Kermit Says: Give Peace, Love, and Joy

Kermit Says: I’m Here For You

I love the holiday season! It's a time when folks can go home, reconnect with family and friends, and reflect on both the challenges and blessings of the season. But with so much happening in the world, it's also pretty easy to see how and why the holidays can be a time filled with great sadness… Continue reading Kermit Says: I’m Here For You

Kermit Says: Rock Yo’ Finals

Between grappling with current events, completing your commitments, and spending quality time with your friends and family, it’s quite possible that finals week has snuck up on you! Where has the time gone? Wasn’t yesterday September? Didn’t 500 bright and eager students descend onto campus--both anxious and excited to start the new school year? I… Continue reading Kermit Says: Rock Yo’ Finals

Kermit Says: Be About It!

Nigerian girls missing, Ebola ravaging West African countries, ISIS terrorizing innocent civilians, Bubonic plague spreading throughout Madagascar, and hundreds of thousands of people losing the battle against social justice every. single. day. There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and I oftentimes feel angry, sad, confused, powerless, and just plain tired. Tired… Continue reading Kermit Says: Be About It!